Tuesday, 15 May 2012


Title of the fable : The fox and the crow
Moral values :
i)                   The appearance of the fox was deceptive so what look good on the outside may not be so in reality .
ii)                A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner, from the mistake the crow will be able to learn a lesson. In future it will be an expert in handling the situation.

Title of the fable : The Jay and the Peacock
Moral values :
i)                   Be happy in what you are and believe every creation of god is unique on the earth.
ii)                In order to be a distinguished person, we need not to disguise into someone else.

Title of the fable : Androcles
Moral value :
i)                   One good turn deserves another, the good that done today will be helpful in future.

Fable of my own :
The Jungle Hospital

          Once a flamingo lived in a pond. She used to very cheerful. One day, the flamingo ate something strange and it had turned her face green. She felt very sorry for herself. This made her to alienate herself from the others. Flamingo, stood there crying the whole day. Pigeon, the good friend of flamingo was watching her the whole day. The next day, the pigeon appeared in front of flamingo. She asked “What’s wrong ?” The depressed flamingo told the pigeon everything. The pigeon tried convincing and advising her, but nothing seemed to make flamingo feel better. Then, the pigeon approached her “if you are a good friend of mine follow me to a place and please do not ask me anything now”. This time, the flamingo did not refuse. All she did was to follow the pigeon. The pigeon took her to the end of the pond, pigeon showed flamingo a frog. The frog had lost both his legs, some time ago. But he was still as full of fun as ever. The frog was talking to everyone and making them to smile. The flamingo realised the most important fact of life. “There’s always someone who’s worse off. So it is no use feeling sorry for myself.” She turned and looked at the pigeon. They left the place with a smile.
Ways in making use of fables in the classroom.

Words are the main carries of meaning. I feel the more words students are able to handle, the better their chances are in understanding English. Fables can help them to acquire more words. I will make use of fables in my class to make the students notice new words. I will teach adjectives with the help of illustration. Most importantly I will repeat the same fable for the whole week. Repetition is always worth doing in second language classrooms. I will make use of the vocabulary, to play bingo game and followed by matching or filling in the blanks. I’m sure this will be one of the effective ways to make use of fables in my language classrooms.

How to teach the students to write fables???

As I mentioned in above, at first I will make use of fables to teach vocabulary. When my students acquire adequate amount of vocabulary, I will ask them to write a fable that they have read before. In my next lesson, I will ask my students a few questions in order to guide them. 
a)                           If you are asked to share a situation that taught you a lesson in your life, which situation will you share?
b)                          By using your real life experience form a fable of your own. Change the human characters mentioned in earlier story into animals. End your story with the lesson that you have learnt.

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